Friday, November 30, 2012

The Great Pyramid of Giza - Incredible Man-Made Wonder of the World

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a pride attraction of Egypt that welcomes large number of tourists from all over the world. It is the largest structure of the world's original Seven Wonders and is principally still in tact. This pyramid is actually an architectural feat, which can never be duplicated with the modern technology as well as the advanced knowledge. In fact, many people in the world tried to make another look a like, but was failed to make one. The Japanese were also tried to build a smaller pyramid to scale. However, no one succeeded in building another attraction or wonder of the world.

The Great Pyramid of Giza has been a mystery and also a puzzle to the mankind for ages. Being an ancient wonder, this structure amazes each and every human being in the world. The first question arises is how The Great Pyramid of Giza is been built. During the 5th century BC, the Greek historian Herodotus was spoke about this captivating structure in his writings. He also put forth his theory of how exactly the wonder was constructed. After that, many books have been written until now or in last 120-years, that tells the story of the pyramid. It is not like there is only one pyramid in the world.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is also called as the Pyramid of Khufu as well as the Pyramid of Cheops. It is the oldest as well as largest pyramid out of three in the Giza Necropolis, which borders the El Giza in Egypt. Being the oldest out of all Seven Wonders of the World, this pyramid is an attraction that makes every people to stand still by watching its beauty for long. It is said that the pyramid was actually built as a tomb, which was intended for the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Well, it was built more than 20-year period and ended at nearly 2560 BC. Standing close to it, people goes on thinking how the ancient people would have constructed such a giant structure. It was considered as the world's tallest man-made structure for more than 3,800 years.

The Great Pyramid of Giza was the originally covered by the casing stones, which formed a smooth outer surface. However, what we could see today as a pyramid is its underlying core structure. Over the years, the pyramid has been destroyed, but is still preserving its beauty by flourishing the ancient realm. Inside the pyramid, there are total three known chambers. The lowest chamber of the pyramid is cut into the bedrock. Over this, the pyramid was been constructed and was kept unfinished. The highest chamber of the pyramid is the Queen's Chamber and the King's Chamber and could be found within the structure of the pyramid.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is actually the most important part of a complex setting of the buildings, which consists of two mortuary temples built in respect of Khufu, three smaller pyramids built for the wives of Khufu, and even more smaller satellite pyramid. There are plenty of interesting things to know about the pyramid that are simply incredible.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Great Pyramid of Giza - Oldest Pyramid in Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most popular site and one of the wonder in the world. It is also called as Pyramid of Khufu or Pyramid of Cheops. Among the other three pyramids in Giza it is the oldest and the largest pyramid in the world. This monument is been preserved in Egypt for many years and century. It is also one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Great Pyramid of Giza was been built around in 2560 BC. According to the Egyptologists it is believed that this monument was built in tomb shape for Pharaoh Khufu who was the fourth dynasty of Egypt. It is a perfect destination if one planning to have a one day tour.

Travelers travel from different countries to visit this place. Millions of tourist visits this place every year. If you visit this place you can see that this historical site is been made of huge stones which were taken by the Egypt slaves. This site was been structured by using lots of techniques and then this tallest pyramid was made. If you see that this pyramid is still standing proudly in Giza without been destroyed or spoiled even today. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a man made structure and it the oldest one from about 3,800 years. The construction of this monument took around 14 to 20 years. The height of this pyramid is around 480.6 feet high. It is been divided into three chambers if you notice while exploring inside the pyramid.

If you believe it or not that the huge stones were been lifted and dragged by people of Egypt and most of them were the slaves. In lower chamber it is been cut into bedrock where the pyramid was constructed and finished. The other chambers of queen and king are been at the higher part of the pyramid. The ascending and the descending passages can only be found in The Great Pyramid of Giza. At the entrance of this monument there are two mortuary temples which was build in honor of Khufu. The material used to build is the lime stone blocks which were heavy and consisted weight around 5.5 million tons. Around 2.3 million lime stone blocks were used to construct this pyramid. There are many secrets and histories which are hidden in this place. It is definitely a worth watched site in Giza of Egypt.

From various historical travel guide sites you can know the history and secrets which are been hidden in one of the wonder of the world known as The Great Pyramid of Giza. It the oldest, tallest pyramid among the other three pyramids in Giza.check out the interior and the exterior which is been designed very technically. Make sure to visit this place in your next one day tour.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Diving in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Diving in Sharm el Sheikh
Most hotels have a house reef and offer daily diving from the beach. Many also have their own dive centre or are affiliated with one. However it makes good sense to shop around and ask other divers their experiences of different dive centres.

A couple of useful resource sites are listed in the resource box.
Diving areas are:-
Local South
Local North
The Gardens
Straits of Tiran (Tiran Island)

Ras Mohammed - remember you will need to purchase a visa at the airport on arrival, to allow you to travel to Ras Mohammed. Currently, you should take your passport with you on every boat trip and have 50 Egyptian pounds for lunch and drinks on the boat.

Usually, for boat trips, Tiran and Local North are accessed via Sharks Bay jetty and Local South and Ras Mohammed are accessed via Travco jetty. The gardens can be accessed from either. Some centres use Naama bay jetty.

Sharks Bay is close to Nabq and the airport, Travco is further South in Hadaba, near Old Market and Naama is in the Middle. So if you wish to visit a variety of sites it does not matter where you stay, some travelling and early morning pickups will be inevitable. However if you wish to concentrate on Ras Mohamed and Local South sites, hotels in the Hadaba area will give you more of a lie in, whereas for mostly Tiran or Local North hotels near Sharks Bay, the airport and in Nabq will be beneficial. Naama is smack in the middle.

Visitors tend to favour Tiran and Ras Mohamed for more challenging, deeper dives and for the chance of something big. However in reality, you can see some awesome sights on the local sites as well.
Local South dive sites begin just outside Travco jetty, beginning with Ras Katy, Temple and Ras Umm Sid. Katy and Temple can be busy as they are only a few minutes travel and offer fixed mooring lines. Both are still well worth a visit but Ras Umm Sid drift dive is a must, with drop offs, a beautiful plateau on the corner and always the chance of something in the Blue. The other Local South sites are all drift dives and tend to be less busy. Tower is a particular favourite of mine.

The gardens offer peaceful picturesque dives and for me a drift dive on Near Garden can be a fantastic experience.

Other 'must sees' if you can is the garden on Jackson Reef in Tiran and Shark and Yolanda reef, in Ras Mohamed, with a frenzy of coloured wildlife ranging from Blue Fusiliers to giant Morays, possible Turtles, Napoleon Wrasse, Crocodile fish and much more.

Remember - do not touch anything. Some fish have poisonous spines, some coral can cut or even sting and some of the most beautiful shells can sting. Even non dangerous animals such as turtles should not be touched as it distresses them, makes them wary and ruins the experience for future divers. They have a saying here, 'Take nothing away, leave nothing behind except bubbles". Do not even feed the fish please.
Diving in Sharm el Sheikh is an experience you will never forget.

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