Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Egypt Travel Guide

No visit to Egypt is complete without a half day excursion to the Giza Plateau, home to the Great Pyramid, sphinx and the Solar Boat Museum. This most traveled destination lies on the desert's edge, about 30 minutes from downtown Cairo, and remains one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

The Great Pyramid was constructed by Khufu, the second pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, circa 2589-2566 B.C. Also known as Cheops to the Greeks, this ruler left his legacy in history with the construction of one of the greatest engineering feats known to mankind. Visitors are permitted to climb the interior of the Great Pyramid, on an upward trail of narrow passageways and rock hewn tunnels leading to the burial chamber located halfway up the structure. This attraction, if you wish to enter the structure, is deemed laborious and geared for the physically fit traveler on holidays Egypt. Interior photography is prohibited and strictly enforced.

Nearby stands the majestic sphinx, a half-man, half-lion structure pre-dating the construction of the Great Pyramid. Although there are no interior chambers opened to the public, you may visit the sphinx up-close and personal from its base and are free to take photographs.

A few steps away from the mighty sphinx, lies the Solar Boat Museum, home to the royal barge owned by Pharaoh Khufu. This vessel was accidentally discovered beneath the desert sands in Giza, and proved a valuable source of information about its royal owner and daily life during the pharaoh's reign. In addition to the ancient ship, visitors may roam the museum for a photographic chronology record of the solar boat's excavation and observe artifacts directly linked to Egypt's ancient maritime industry.

The Giza Plateau is conveniently located within minutes of the Giza hotel district, with many of the nearby accommodations offering spectacular views of the monuments. Admission to the attractions in Giza are sold separately for independent travel, or will be combined for a holidays Egypt package deal.

If you are organizing your travel adventure then ensure you use some of the many planning resources to help you to plan your trip with ease, such as travel guide books, tour brochures and travel guides online such as which has loads of location advice, travel tips, destination photos and plenty of suggestions on what to do and what to see. This is a one stop travel guide to help you to plan your trip easily and cost effectively.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Popular Destinations And Travel Guides: Egypt

Egypt is one of the most popular travel destinations, with its Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada resorts, the Pyramids and the monuments of the glorious past. Egyptian travel agencies are well known for their professionalism and ability to assist in organizing a memorable tour.

The rich and long history of Egypt has left a huge number of world famous attractions.
Cairo is the capital of the country and the oldest city in Africa that can boast having a myriad of monuments of the Middle Ages. Here one can go to the Valley of the Kings to see the mysterious tombs of the pharaohs that protect the mummies. The Pyramids are Egypt's business card, there are more than a hundred of them here. At the time of the Pharaohs, pyramids served as a complex of huge temple buildings, richly decorated with statues, obelisks, sphinxes, reliefs and wall paintings.

The ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza consists of the three highest pyramids in Egypt. The most important and famous of them is the Pyramid of Cheops. The second largest pyramid is Khafre, and Menkaure Pyramid completes the ensemble. Next to them, there is a complex of several small pyramids, where the wives of pharaohs, the priests and high officials were buried. Great Sphinx is carved, like most colossal statues of Giza, from solid rock. Every evening, there is a special light and colorful performance called 'Sound and Light' at the foot of the pyramids.

The Egyptian Museum is the main global repository of Egyptian antiquities, probably the world's only art-historical collection, where even the youngest of the exhibits are about two thousand years old. And when you are bored with gloomy corridors of ancient tombs, you can always go to radiant Alexandria, which keeps the memory about Alexander the Great and Cleopatra. Time and culture are interwoven here, preserving the remains of one of the 'Wonders of the World' - the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Tourists will also see the Colossus Ptolemaic and the Roman theater, Catacombs of Kom el-Shugafa and the 25-meter column of Pompey, surrounded by statues of sphinxes.

Having made a cruise on the Nile, you can admire the fabulous palaces and temples of Luxor, formerly known as the city of Thebes, and praised by Homer. In Aswan one can enjoy an incomparable spirit of Africa, created by the collision of the great waters of the Nile and the hot sands of the Sahara.
On the verge of the Libyan desert, there are two grand temples carved into the rock. They were built to commemorate Ramses II and his wife Nefertari. Twice a year, in October and February, the temples become the place for the holiday of 'The Miracle of the Sun' when the solar disk alternately illuminates the giant statues of gods and kings.

From Sharm El Sheikh one can make a trip along the Gulf of Suez in the Bedouin land, Sinai. One of the local plateaus here hosts the 4,000 year-old temple of the goddess Hathor. The pearl of Sinai, Feyran Oasis, stretches here with its rustling leaves of thousands of palms. There is also the Christian monastery of the Seven nuns. It was at Sinai that Moses received the divine tablets. Returning to Sharm el Sheikh, you will have the opportunity to swim in the gentle waters of the Red Sea and enjoy one of the world's most beautiful underwater worlds.

If you want peace and harmony with nature, it is worth going to Taba, offering excellent untouched pristine lagoons and coral reefs. Due to its unique location on the Sinai Peninsula, Taba offers a wonderful panorama view of three countries - Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. They can always be visited with guided tours. On the coast, one can find a small island of the Pharaohs, where a medieval fortress rises.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Egypt Attractions - Top 10 Tourist Attractions of Egypt

Egypt is located in North Africa and is among the top most tourist destinations of the world. No other country comes even closer to Egypt when it comes to the number of magnificent monuments, activities and historical attractions. More than ninety percent of all Egyptian attractions are lined up along the river Nile. Many places can therefore visited by taking a cruise in the Nile river (besides road and air travel). Since it is a popular tourist destination Egypt offers extensive facilities for tourists.

Top 10 attractions of Egypt are:
1. PYRAMIDS: There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt which were built mostly between 2600 BC and 1500 BC and all are situated close to the Nile river. After the ruler died (or other prominent royal figures like queens), their bodies were wrapped and preserved as a mummy, and placed in the Pyramid. The most popular pyramids are the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx: An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers built the Pyramids at Giza over 80 years. Giza also has the largest pyramid also known as "Great Pyramid" which rises an amazing 481 feet.
2. CAIRO: It is the capital of Egypt. Popular attractions of Cairo include:
a) Khan al-Khalili market: Khan al-Khalili is one of the largest markets in the world which attracts both local's and international tourists. This is a great place to but exotic perfume bottles, Arabic clothing and other souvenirs.
b) Egyptian Museum of Antiquities: It have over hundred thousand artifacts in 107 halls. The most popular attraction is the Tutankhamun Gallery.
c) Other attractions are Pyramids of Giza (mentioned above) and Old Cairo.
3. ABU SIMBEL: It was carved out of sandstone cliffs high above the River Nile. The most famous attraction are the four colossal 20m-high statues of Ramses II guarding the entrance. When the waters of Lake Nasser to rise, UNESCO relocated them to a high ground between 1964 and 1968.
4.KARNAK TEMPLES: It is a huge complex comprising of three main temples and many smaller ones, most famous among them is the Temple of Amun. It is estimated that they were built in a time span of 1300 years.
5: LUXOR TEMPLE: The modern town of Luxor is the site of the famous city of Thebes,( or the city of a hundred gates). A row of sphinxes line the entrance to Karnak Temple. The most famous section of these temples is a huge all called the Great Hypostyle Hall.
6: SIWA OASIS: The area is famous for its dates and olives, and is one of the most beautiful landscapes and springs in Egypt. It was the most inaccessible oasis until recently. It lies 60 feed below sea level.
7: NUBIAN MUSEUM OF ASWAN: It is designed to house the fantastic collection items unearthed from the archaeological excavations during the Nubia Campaign.
8. VALLEY OF THE KINGS: The Valley of the Kings is located on the West Bank of the River Nile in Thebes. There are 62 tombs in the valley. It has two components - the East Valley and the West Valley. It is the East Valley which most tourists visit and in which most of the tombs of the New Kingdom Pharaohs can be found.
9: ALEXANDRIA: Best places to see are - Pompey's Pillar,Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria National Museum, King Farouk Palace and the Roman Amphitheater.
10: SHARM EL SHEIKH: Best places to see are - Sinai Mountain, Na'ama Bay,Tiran Island, Terrazzina Beach and White Lagoon.
Other attractions of Egypt include the White Desert, Hurghada and Felucca on the Nile.

SAFETY INFORMATION: There were some terrorist bombings reported in Egypt in last few years. Check for additional information. Overall the crime rate in Egypt is low. Visitors should consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling. Egypt has high road fatalities rate so you should prefer not to drive yourself unless you feel comfortable.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

9 Egypt Travel Tips

Egypt is a country with a great heritage of art, architecture and culture. It is the country which has given us the pyramids, the Sphinx and thousands of years of rich history. If you are planning to travel to Egypt anytime soon, there are a few pointers that you should remember. They are as follows:

1. If you are travelling to Egypt for the first time, be prepared for something of a culture shock. It is very possible that you may not have visited a country like this ever before!
2. This country is a Muslim one and as a visitor, it is only right that you respect the people's faith. Homosexuality is illegal and things like kissing or other public displays of affection are things you should rather not do in public. You don't want to be frowned upon by the residents, do you? It is a lot better to have a more conservative attitude while you are in the country.
3. Read up as much as possible before you go travelling to Egypt, because that is the best way to know the country. Though books like Rough Guide and Lonely Planet are good, it is a good idea to read as much as you can on the internet as well.
4. If you are someone who is not travelling with a travel company, it is very important that you inform the hotel you are staying at about your plans. In case you get lost it is always a good idea to keep the phone number of the hotel handy so that you can ask for help.
5. It is very important that you eat in recommended places only. Eat out only in restaurants that serve healthy and clean food and those that maintain proper hygiene. You don't want to get a stomach upset while you are travelling, right?
6. Drinking water in Egypt can actually be dangerous. If you are someone who lives in a country where people drink water straight from the tap, don't do it in Egypt. Just buy bottled water. It is good and cheap.
7. It is a much better idea to travel in a group in this country for a variety of reasons. We are not asking you to buy package tours from travel companies. What we are saying is that travelling with a group of people (something which can be organized in your own country or after you land in Egypt) is much safer and a whole lot more fun.
8. Like in all countries, in Egypt too you will come across people who want to rip off tourists. It is normal to be charged more just because you are a foreigner. So be prepared to bargain a lot for everything!
9. Get to know other tourists staying in your hotel. They will usually have good ideas for places to eat and things to do and not to do. Also, you can arrange to travel with them as a group while in the country.
Travelling to Egypt is going to be a fun experience for you.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Egypt Travel - Destinations And Attractions You Don't Want To Miss

One of the first travel journals of Egypt was written by Herodotus in the middle of the 5th century B.C.E. In his work Euterpe, he claims that Egypt has wonders more in numbers than those of any other land, and works it has to show beyond expression great. It is these wonders and much more that draws nearly nine million foreign visitors to Egypt each year. Following is a list of thing to see and do in Egypt.
Popular Egypt Destinations

First is Cairo the capital city located along the banks of the Nile River. There, you will find a mix of the ancient with the modern. Take tours of some of the best museums in the world, shop in world-famous bazaars, dine at exquisite restaurants and enjoy the comfort of five-star resorts.

Alexandria, once a great cosmopolitan and a rival to the mighty Rome in its heyday, is the second largest city in Egypt and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. Luxor is the dynastic and religious capitol of Egypt with vast temples and royal tombs.

Aswan offers hundreds of historical monuments to visit. Near Aswan is Elephantine Island. There are many important artifacts there as well as beautiful gardens. After a few hours of sightseeing, you will find enjoyment as you sit and look over the picturesque landscape.

Popular Egypt Attractions

The Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are known and revered the world over. Many visitors are awestruck with the enormity of the pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, a testimony of the incredible engineering skills of ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities in Cairo features over 120,000 objects on display, showcasing over 3000 years of colorful Egyptian history.

Visit the Temple of Karnak in Luxor and then watch the Sound and Light Show in the evening. The show begins with a historical introduction covering the birth of the great city of Thebes and erection of the Karnak temple. Shows begin at 6:00 PM in the Winter and 8:00 PM in the Summer. Besides English, narration is done in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese and Arabic.

Popular Travel Activities in Egypt

Visiting museums and ancient tombs is not the only thing to do in Egypt. There are a number of activities that have nothing to do with ancient Egyptian artifacts. You can play on the beautiful Mediterranean beaches, catch huge fish at Lake Nassar, see some spectacular sights while scuba diving in the Red Sea and much more.

While other countries are better known for their golf courses, there are some fabulous places to play in Egypt. And with little rain and warm temperatures year round, you can get in a game almost any time of the year.

These are just of few of the thousands of spectacular destinations, attractions and activities for tourist in Egypt.

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