Thursday, April 18, 2013

Travel Destinations - Egypt

Egypt is a great place to visit when you go for holiday. The tourist areas are fantastic with a wide range of sites to visit. The most popular attractions are the following places to go:
The Giza pyramids, which are one of the world's oldest tourist attractions. In Giza, there are three main pyramids. There is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the pyramid of Kafhre and the smaller Pyramid of Menkuara. Each pyramid belongs to a pharoah/king of Egypt.
Millions of people visit Cairo, and they say it is beautiful, exotic and chaotic. Cairo's interesting part could be the Medieval (Islamic) Cairo. Medieval Cairo has loads of mosques and churches. They have some major mosques there, like the Mosque of Mohammad Ali and another mosque which is the oldest university in the world.

While visiting Egypt, you can also sail on boats which are called feluccas. With these, you might want to go cruising through Cairo and Alexandria or even take longer cruises.
Pharaohs were buried in Thebes, in the Valley Of The Kings. Here you will also find a tomb which belonged to Tutankhamen. The tomb was discovered in 1920. And if you want to visit this tomb, you can do so--but to see his treasure, you will have to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Now the weather! Well we all want our holidays to go as smoothly as possible, with great sites to visit and weather to be perfect. That is when we usually love our holidays. You can have the chance to visit Egypt when the weather is hot and suitable. This is available during October through May. The temperatures range from 25 to 35, Celsius. But December through February is when it can get cold and wet. Swimming at this time won't be a good idea, either.
Make sure you wear clothes that aren't heavy. It can very hot and sticky if you wear heavy clothes, which would make you feel very uncomfortable. Loose clothing should be worn. Also, maybe a pair of sandals, as the ground can be hot, which would sting your feet.
Do keep in mind that when I mean loose clothing, please do not wear shorts as they could attract unwanted attention to you. Egypt is a Muslim country and Islam forbids these types of clothing for both genders, so make sure you wear something suitable.
So here we have some information for you and your visit. I hope you found this article useful and do take the information on here carefully. There is quite a bit to remember but you should get the hang of it!

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tours to Egypt: 7 Shocking Facts You Must Know About Ancient Egypt

Egypt is one of those places which are smeared with myths, mythology, legendary tales and historic wealth. It is also one of those truly enigmatic countries whose many secrets still lie undiscovered and non-deciphered. When you go for an Egypt trip, you would come across landmarks which are not only unique in their designs but are also laced with apocryphal tales and amazing stories. It is always interesting to know a bit about the places you are visiting. And when these facts are fascinating as they truly are, then you wouldn't wish to end your holiday anytime soon.
Here are some mystifying and amazing facts about Egypt's ancient past:

i. In the ancient times, the country was quite hot (and it is still so)! But what stands out is the fact that in the past the children would not be clad. They would run about naked and were clothed only after reaching adolescence.
ii. During your Egypt trips, you would come across pyramids and tombs reminding you of the Pharaohs. One interesting thing about them was that they would always keep their heads covered with a special head gear. As per the custom, a Pharaoh was not to reveal his manes to his subjects!
iii. This third fact may come as a shocker to many, and many would even protest against this mode. But the king named Pepi II devised an atrocious way to keep away flies & mosquitoes. Several slaves were positioned all around him with their naked bodies covered with honey. This was done so that the flies would be attracted towards the honey and Pepi II would be able to sleep peacefully. Your tours to Egypt would open your eyes to many such shocking facts.
iv. Your Egypt trip would bring you before the mighty Sphinx at Giza! Now, if you notice carefully, you will observe that its nose has been dislocated. It is not certain as to what led to its dislocation! But it is believed that Napoleon was responsible for it.
v. In the ancient age, the Egyptian women were considered at par with men in matters related to law and economics. This is strange given that most Middle East countries during those times would treat women as inferior to men.
vi. Another grotesque fact coming your way this time! When the process of mummification was carried out, the dead person's organs would be taken out and preserved securely in a special jar. Even the brain was extracted out through the passage of nose! Interestingly, the heart was spared. There was a common belief that the heart was where the soul resided. So, the body would be mummified after removing all the organs save the heart.
vii. During your Egypt trips, you would have to apply sunscreen and other protective lotions. The ancient Egyptians did the same and were very fond of makeup. They, however, not just applied makeup for beauty or protection purpose, but they treated it as a form of medicine with healing powers.

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