Sunday, November 17, 2013

Egyptian Gods - 7 of the Best

There were hundreds upon hundreds of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses - if not thousands - each with his or her own particular history, and role to play. What complicated matters even more was that they would sometimes change both form and role. More often than not, though, they had a human body and the head of an animal or bird. We don't have enough space to list all of them, so here you have just seven of the better known ones...
1. Ra - Sun God
Perhaps the most important god was Ra. Represented by the body of a man and the head of a hawk, topped by a sun disk, he was the sun god. According to legend, he was swallowed up every night by Nut - goddess of the sky - and reborn every morning. His night-time activities consisted of travelling through the Underworld, where he had a human body and the head of a ram.

2. Nut - Sky Goddess
Nut's body created a canopy over the Earth and, for this reason, she was represented as a woman whose body arched across the sky, decorated with stars. She was the sister and wife of Geb - god of the earth - and mother of Isis, Osiris, Nepthys, and Seth.
3. Geb - God of Earth
It was believed that earthquakes were, in fact, Geb's laughter. He's represented as a man with a goose on his head, lying at the feet of goddess Nut. When his son Seth fought Horus for the Egyptian throne, Geb made Horus the ruler of the living.
4. Horus - Ruler of the World of the Living
This man's body with the head of a hawk was originally a god of the sky, but became the ruler of the world of the living after his battle with Seth. In the battle, he lost one of his eyes, although this was restored, the eye then becoming a symbol of protection. The Ancient Egyptians also believed that the pharaoh was the living Horus.
5. Amun - King of the Gods
With his human body and ram's head, Amun was another important god. Even more so when he combined with the sun god - Ra - to be known as Amun-Ra. At Thebes, you'll find a huge temple built in honor of this king of gods.
6. Thoth - God of Wisdom, Writing and Knowledge
In appearance, Thoth had the body of a man, holding a writing palette, and the head of an ibis bird. Thoth was also connected with the moon, and it was believed he bestowed the important gift of hieroglyphic writing on the Ancient Egyptians.
7. Anubis - God of Embalming and the Dead
Because he helped embalm Osiris after he was killed by Seth, Anubis became god of the mummification procedure. With his jackal's head, his role was that of guardian to necropolis, and priests would often wear a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies.
As you can imagine, the Ancient Egyptians must have spent a long time learning about the various Egyptian gods, for that's just seven of them... and there are hundreds more!

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

World's Most Beautiful Places - Egypt

Five thousand years ago, on the banks of River Nile, a wonderful civilization was born. It flourished and evolved for three thousand years, longer than any civilization in the world's history. Egypt's history begins three thousand years ago, when Egyptian writing evolved enough to be able to record it. In the same period, King Menes the pharaoh united Lower and Upper Egypt into a single kingdom. He built two capital cities, one in the north and one in the south - Memphis and Abydos. Egyptians believed that pharaohs were gods. The most revered and adored god being Ra, the Sun God, the pharaoh was the only one that helped the Sun rise every day, and the Nile flood every summer. He would make offerings of food and water, and in exchange the souls of the Egyptians were fed by the gods after death.

Benefiting of consecutive strong and able rulers and depending on the Nile for transportation and irrigation that needed to be maintained, Egypt evolved into the first country in the world with a national and well organized government. As time passed, authority began to weaken in Egypt, foreign rulers took over the country repeatedly for short periods of time over 400 years, then the priest got the power and the Empire declined.
Persians invaded Egypt for a few years, and Alexander the Great came to fight them. A great diplomat, he showed respect and veneration to the gods of Egypt. When he entered the ancient capital of Memphis in 333 BC, he was hailed as King of Egypt. Deciding to visit the oracle of Amon to consult the seer about his destiny, he stopped in his journey to rest in an old Egyptian village, located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Lake of Mariott. He then decided to build a town here, and it is what we now know as Alexandria. He then left to Asia to fight the Persians, and died in Babylon in 323 BC, without ever seeing the city that bears his name.
Filled with remnants of those ancient times, Egypt is one of the world's main tourist attractions. People come from all over to see the only "wonder of the world" that is still standing - the Great Pyramid at Giza, but also the imposing Sphinx, the numerous Temples located all over Egypt, the Museums, and the ancient cities of Cairo, Luxor, Aswan and the legendary Alexandria. If you have never visited Egypt, try to! You don't know what you are missing, as it is a place that everyone must see at least once in their lives.
I have covered all of these locations in detail, with info's and pictures on my blog at Tourist Egypt, and I sincerely hope that it will be one more reason to actually set you on your journey to see the wonders and mystery of one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Have a very nice day.

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Friday, August 9, 2013

The Best Egypt Hotels for Luxury Honeymoon

Egypt has always been one of the top destinations for luxury honeymoon or an interesting and enjoyable vacation. The Egyptian culture has over six thousand years of recorded history, which holds a lot of interest and mystery until now. Going on a vacation in Egypt resorts and enjoying Egypt Hotels' 5 star treatments give you an unforgettable retreat into a magical and culturally rich atmosphere.
For people looking to celebrate the beginning of a marriage, here are some of the best Egypt hotels for luxury honeymoon:

The Mena House Oberoi, Cairo 
Cairo, Egypt's capital city, holds a lot of mystique. The Mena House Oberoi is one of the best places for a luxury honeymoon because the hotel itself can be described as palatial. Set on a sprawling property of 40 acres of emerald green lawns, the hotel enjoys a rich and colorful history. The opulent Mena House has hosted several kings, emperors and other foreign dignitaries. The quality of the hotel's service is unrivaled in all of Egypt's resorts and hotels. Each room is designed with beautiful traditional elements and the attention to detail is very impressive. The murals on the wall, the fine upholstery, hand-carved screen panels, and arched windows are a visual treat that makes your stay in Egypt as authentic as possible.
Al Baben Hotel 
If you want to enjoy a secluded and more laid back luxury honeymoon in Egypt, another good option is the Al Baben Hotel located near the Siwa Oasis. From the hotel, you can see the many mud-brick buildings, the temple of the Oracle of Amun, and the body of water that's a striking contrast to the desert sand and dunes around the area. The rooms are luxurious but at the same time quite rustic in design. Tucked away at the heart of Siwa, this oasis has served as a place of refuge for travellers passing through the area for thousands of years already. The hotel affords travellers and honeymooners a little piece of Egypt's history. One thing you'll also enjoy at the Al Baben is the fact that the restaurants here serve exemplary local cuisines. If you want a comfortable, luxurious, and a distinctly Egyptian experience, the Al Baben Hotel is the best choice for you.

Steigenberger Nile Palace 
At the heart of the historical district of Luxor, Egypt sits the Steigenberger Nile Palace where you can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing vacation while also enjoying one of the world's greatest cultural treasures. Luxor is the site of the ancient city of Thebes and is called as the world's greatest open-air museum. Immediately opposite Luxor is the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens which thousands of international tourists visit each year. Staying at the Steigenberger Nile Palace puts you at the center of all the excitement that has made this ancient city famous through the years. Visit the Luxor Temple which is a large temple complex dedicated to Amun, Mut, and Chons. Wonder at the gigantic statue at the temple entrance, the carvings on the walls, the well-preserved sphinxes that line the roads, the Obelisk, and many other attractions that are so much a part of the history of Egypt.
Visit the Valley of the kinds and Queens which are a series of tombs constructed for the powerful pharaos, their wives, and other powerful dignitaries of Egypt are buried. Another large part of the Egyptian history is mummification. Visit the Mummification Museum of Luxor to get an understanding of the process, to look at interesting artifacts like Canopic jars, mummified animals, amulets, and more. There's so much to explore in Luxor and the Steigenberger Nile Palace gives you a comfortable place to rest as you explore this historic area.
You can't go wrong in staying any of these three luxury hotel for the holidays, or any occasion for that matter, in Puerto Vallarta. If you plan to learn about these hotels in order to get the best deals and tour packages for you and your loved ones, visit this luxury holidays site.

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Egypt Travel - The Quintessence of Human Civilization

Egypt is probably one of the oldest vacation destinations in the world today. It is recorded that early Romans and Greeks traveled to Egypt to have fun and see the amazing pyramids. But Egypt is much more than pyramids and the Sphinx. The Red Sea Riviera has some of the world's best diving and snorkeling spots. Sailing on the Nile is both a romantic and natural experience. And the people are wonderful and welcoming. Wherever you go in Egypt the country is full of life and excitement.
Way back in 430 BC, when Herodotus exclaimed in awe over the magnificent monuments in Egypt, many of the monuments were already 2500 years old! Most of them, from the pyramids of Giza to the astonishingly beautiful temples of Karnak, to the painted tombs in the Valley of the Kings, can still be visited today. The sheer age of the Egyptian civilization is mind-blowing.

Travelers from all over the world have continued to marvel at Egypt's archeological wonders for centuries. Today the ancient wonders still attract millions of curious tourists every year.
The life-giving Nile River stretches across Egypt, feeding an emerald ribbon of irrigated fields adjacent to villages lined and shaded by palms trees. Whether on a modern cruise boat or the traditional felucca, life on the water is a constant visual feast for any visitor to Egypt. The big and dusty cities of Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan and Luxor, all abound with exotic sounds and smells.
The reliability, regularity and richness of the annual Nile River flood, together with semi-isolation provided by deserts to the eastern and western parts of Egypt, favoured the Egyptians, and probably allowed for the development of one of the world's great civilizations.
The beachside resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh, on the Red Sea coast, offer the gateway to a magical under-water world of fish and coral. These spots are ideal for, and are often favored by divers. The more adventurous travelers venture inland where you will discover historical monasteries amid the arid mountains of Sinai - where Moses received the commandments - or the distant desert oases, homes of the hardy normads whose camel trains still wonder the Sahara sands.
Many tours operators offer tour packages that include visits to the pyramids, the museum and the Nile cruises, usually between Luxor and Aswan. The Nile cruises generally last between 4 and 5 days. Egypt's convenient geographical location - with easy access from most parts of the world - and all its precious ancient antiquities, the lovely weather all year round and the pleasant people remains an excellent holiday vacation.
And now I would like to invite you to view our selection of Egypt Travel Packages and Tours. You will find information and can even book your Tour.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

African Tour of Tanzania and Egypt - The Right Mix of History, Wildlife and Culture on Your Trip

A trip combining Egypt and Tanzania is a perfect tour for African travel enthusiasts who are seeking the right mix to optimize their experience. If you were to make a once-in-a-life-time trip to Africa, this would be it.
Tanzania is home to some of the most interesting wildlife areas in the world today. This destination has top value game reserves and parks. As a traveler on safari, you get the perfect chance to get up close with African nature. Whichever park you opt for - Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Selous, Grumeti, Katavi, Gombe - you are not likely to regret it.
Egypt, on the eastern terminus of the Sahara desert, has her own miracles - The Nile and the ancient landmarks and signatures of ancient civilization. The Pharaohs left behind magnificent temples and pyramids. Their subjects built amazing tombs in Luxor and Abu Simbel. The Nile, rising from the remote parts of African uplands, has for thousands of years given life to Egypt by sweeping fertilizing silts down its valley, feeding Egypt.

Geting There:
Flight Connections between Egypt and Tanzania: Egypt Air and Kenya Airways are some of the regional airlines that provide the flights between these 2 countries. They flight is likely to have a stop over in Nairobi, Kenya. Other airlines like Ethiopian Airlines and Air Tanzania also serve this route.
What You will See When You Travel to Egypt and Tanzania: Tanzania, as a travel destination is renowned for its savannah wildlife. This country will offer you the opportunity to see all sorts of wildlife - some only found in Africa. You will certainly see Elephants, Lions, Buffalo, Zebra, Giraffe, Rhino and even Chimpanzee if you include that in your itinerary.
Egypt is of course a top travel destination for many. The attractions are many, varied and simply amazing. You will see the Pyramids of Giza, The Temples of Karnak, Visit the Medieval Cairo, Temple of Luxor, The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities in Cairo and then Cruise on the Nile.
Accommodation Options for Travelers to Egypt and Tanzania: While in Egypt, travelers will have a very wide range of accommodation options. Egypt has a variety of hotels ranging from mid-level to top luxury resorts and hotels. The top end luxury hotels in Egypt offer state-of-the-art facilities and services. You will access cafes, Jacuzzis, fitness centres, swimming pools etc. The top rated hotels are likely to be in the plush cities of Luxor and Cairo. But the other lesser cities Aswan and Sharm El Sheikh will not disappoint with their budget and mid-level range of services.

The Nile Cruise is the core of your Egypt part of your African trip. Very few tourists visit Egypt without doing the cruise. It is a great way to see Egypt's antiquities. Depending on your style and budget, you can choose from standard to deluxe to top luxury boat. The most luxurious cabins of the boats will be large with air-conditioning, private bathroom. Most boats will have evening entertainment on board - belly dancing or a disco party.
For Tanzania, just like with Egypt and any other vacation destination, your accommodation for the safari will depend on your taste and budget. You can opt to stay in the game lodges. These are solid permanent structures consisting of private hotel-type private bandas with communal dinning and lounging areas. The alternative, if your budget is high enough, is to stay in the luxury canvas tents.
Itinerary Suggestions for the Egypt and Tanzania Trip: You can opt for generic ready-made itineraries or ask for a tailor-made program. This also depends on your style, interest and budget. A selection of ready-made itineraries are on offer from good tour operators. They offer tours that will take you to the most visited parts of Egypt and Tanzania.
Besides the privacy, tailor-made tours allow you to add your own areas of interest and include them in your program. From exciting Savannah game safaris to combination itineraries that blend a multitude of different opportunities including visit to the Bedouin camps, Red Sea to visiting the Savannah game of the plains, the beaches of Zanzibar, the chimpanzee of Mahale. It is up to you to decide.
The Best Time to Make Your Vacation Trip to Egypt and Tanzania: Tanzania is basically an all year destination. But I hasten to say that there is what would be considered the ideal, prime period to visit. Each period offers different aspects of its attractions. For example, the great wildebeest migration is seen between January and March and again between June and July. If your interest lies with the Chimpanzee of Mahale and Gombe, the best time to visit is between May and October. These are dry months. You can also see the chimps during the short rains - between January and February.
For the sake of comfort (temperatures), the best time to visit Egypt is October through May. At this time, temperatures are between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Most days will be sunny and the nights will be cool. From March to May, dust storms make it difficult to enjoy your vacation. For those considering swimming in the Mediterranean, you are advised to avoid the period between December and February. And if your big consideration is to save money, please travel during summer. It will be cheap, only that the temperatures are likely to be above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
And now, if you are considering to visit Africa, and taking a Tour of Egypt and Tanzania why not check out our 14-day value-for-money Egypt Tanzania Combo Tour which combines, in the best way possible, the splendour of ancient Egypt with the amazing Tanzanian Savannah wildlife viewing experience. You can also ask for a tailor-made version if you wish.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Top Tourist Destinations In Egypt

Famous for its ancient civilization and its famous monuments, an Egypt adventure will prove to be one of the most awesome experiences you've ever had. Here are some suggested sites for you to visit when you tour Egypt.
The Ibn Tulun Mosque
A visit to the Ibn Tulun mosque, one of the oldest mosques in Cairo will be an excellent adventure for you. It was built during the 876 AD and is comprised of a court yard with a covered hall on each of the four sides. It features an outer staircase which was built centuries later.
It really has to be seen to be appreciated.

The Siwa Oasis
The Siwa Oasis found in the Libyan Desert is probably one of Egypt's most interesting settlements with almost 22,000 people mostly of ethnic descent. Siwa oasis is an important trade route because of the natural springs and palm trees that give travellers much needed rest when they travel through the desert. There are now modern hotels being built in order to improve the level of trade and tourism that this region can bring to the country.
Ancient Egyptian Museum
A trip to the Ancient Egyptian Museum in Cairo will leave you more knowledgeable about the country's history. There are over 120,000 antiquities in this extremely impressive museum. The two floors offer a collection of papyrus and coins used during ancient times and there are numerous artifacts from the dynasties that ruled Egypt in olden times.
Also you can find many of the treasures that were found in the Tomb of Tutankhamen and a royal mummy room that features 27 royal mummies.
Abu Simbel
A trip to Abu Simbel, Egypt's archaeological site that features two large temples on the west of Lake Nasser is splendid. The temples were carved out on the mountain during Pharaoh Rameses' time.
It is said to be a lasting monument for him and queen Nefertari.
The Mighty Nile
A Nile River cruise is one of the most spectacular ways to tour Egypt. It has been part of this fascinating country's history since time immemorial.
No trip to Egypt would be complete without visiting this ancient river.
The Red Sea
A dive at the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt is one of the most beautiful experiences that you can get when you visit the country. It is known for its clear and sparkling waters. It has some of the world's most exotic fish and seascapes. Its coral reef formation is a home to different sea creatures and fish.
The Pyramids
The most famous attraction in Egypt is the Pyramid of Giza. The largest pyramid is Khufu's which stand tall because of its 455 feet. It is situated in the vicinity of Cairo so there's a handy base that you can work from.
Let's not forget the enigmatic Sphinx. Almost like a tourist himself, watching silently, mysteriously, in the desert.
Whichever attraction floats your boat the most, there's something in Egypt for you.

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Top 7 Things to Do in Egypt at Night

Egypt is one of the greatest holiday destinations in the world and draws tourists in mammoth numbers every year. Its popularity refuses to die, with the pyramids getting more and more exciting with each passing day. Just like a wine gets better with age, it seems like these pyramids too are getting more and more enigmatic with the passage of time. But the country is not just about pyramids or the sphinx or the Nile! There are plenty of Egypt tourist attractions and some of them are centered on the night time. So, even after the sun switches itself off, you can continue your journey of excitement and bliss.

Here are some of the favorite things to do in Egypt at night:
i. Shopping: If you are spending your whole mornings and afternoons in sightseeing, then you can choose the night for exploring the shops. The country has some fascinating local markets which are epitomes of traditions. The famous bazaars of Cairo are must-visit for everyone. It is not just the lure of the souvenir which would pull you to these places. It is also about the silent culture which resides at these corners.
ii. Dinner cruise on Nile: Most tours for Egypt feature a cruise on the Nile. And the star-lit nighttime is surely the perfect time for exploring the beauty of this river. It is the longest river in the world and one of the most charismatic ones. Taking a dinner on a ship or dahabeya over this river will be an experience which would be hard to shove out of the memories.
iii. Watch belly dancing: Egyptian culture is extremely famous for its traditional belly dance form. It is an art which has literally hypnotized the entire world. Cairo's restaurants and theatres have some of the best belly dancers in the world. It would be a treat to the eye to watch a live performance.
iv. Evening show at the pyramids: While it is fascinating to stand beside the pyramids under the afternoon sun with the parched desert at the backdrop, it is equally alluring to witness the light and sound show organized every evening. The pyramids are the top Egypt tourist attractions. So, it makes sense to know a bit about their history in this fascinating show.
v. Dancing: There are some renowned dance clubs in Cairo. If you love to party at night and burn the dance floor with your electrical moves, then these places would play the happy host. Some notable ones include 'Cairo Jazz Club' and 'After Eight'.
vi. Drinking: If you love your share of wine and your fill of whisky, then there are some bars waiting for your footsteps. Places like Pub 38 and La Bodega are definitely must-visit bars for sipping the sinful liquors and for soaking in the trendy ambience.
vii. Music: If you are a music buff, then make sure to head to some music festivals.
Places like the Cairo Opera House and Arabic Music Institute are incredible venues which host shows in the evening. You can thus add some soulful melody to your tours for Egypt.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Snorkeling Vacations on Egypt's Red Sea Coast

Sharm El Sheikh - Marine Life Paradise
One of the highlights of a trip to Egypt is a "beach break" on Egypt's Red Sea coast.
Sharm el Sheikh, on the eastern Gulf of Aqaba is home to some of the best underwater adventures. This magnificent resort area is famous for its snorkeling and scuba diving sites, its glistening white beaches, its warm crystalline waters and its abundance of marine life. The multi-colored reefs, the fantastic array of colorful fish and the underwater activity here is some of the most spectacular in the world. The sun's rays, glistening on the azure blue waters of the Red Sea, against the backdrop of the yellow-red-brown stark Sinai desert with take your breath away.

Sharm el Sheikh has something for every age and every interest. The sheltered beaches and calm waters make it one of the best family vacation destinations and a paradise for multi-generational adventure travel holidays. Here families can enjoy the rest and relaxation of a breathtaking beach destination as well as underwater adventure geared to every level.
The shallow barrier reef, accessible from the beach, is an ideal location for snorkeling or the novice diver. Splendid red, blue, green and yellow coral towers hundred of meters deep, colorful exotic fish, moray eels more than 2 meters long and the occasional reef shark greet the underwater visitor. For non-swimmers, a glass bottom boat trip or just wading knee-deep into the shallow waters of the beach and gazing into the crystal clear waters below unveil a veritable amazing fish tank.
Though known for its underwater activities, families can enjoy a multitude of overland adventures outdoors here - desert safaris, camel trips, dinner in the desert under the star-studded sky or a trip to St. Catherine Monastery are just some of the options available.
Sharm el Sheikh is one of the best of the world's snorkeling and dive sites with marine life beyond what the most creative mind can imagine.

Hurghada - A Red Sea Beach Vacation for Everyone
Situated on the Gulf of Suez is the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada. Whether looking for diving and water sports, a great beach, sports, historic sites or an active adventure vacation, Hurghada has something to offer everyone. The western coast of the Red Sea is a popular draw for windsurfers and kite boarders as well as families. Here again, the natural beauties of the Red Sea are striking - from coral reefs to abundant colorful marine life. The region offers a great experience for families with young children, who cannot swim by themselves, yet want to see what's out there! From here, Egypt's ancient sites such as Luxor or the Valley of the Kings are easily accessible.
Young or old, family or couple, "guys" or "girls" getaways, whatever the circumstances, Egypt's Red Sea coast offers something that everyone will love. On land, the red-yellow hues of the Sinai desert, with its breathtaking sunsets, crystal clear star-studded skies - underwater, the rainbow of marine life colors - come together to create an out-of-this-world contrast in a region not to be missed.
Sylvia is a trip consultant, planner and manager who creates unique intercultural adventures for families and loves to impart information,tips and personal experiences especially related to family adventure travel.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Egypt - A Place to Avoid, Or Enjoy in the Comfort of Your Own Home!

Egypt - I expect the very name conjures up romantic images of camels, deserts & ancient monuments, as it did to us before we went. 
Unfortunately, although the Pyramids, Sphinx, Karnak, etc were interesting we felt Egypt was the pits.  We had been warned that Cairo was very polluted and that was certainly the case, but the rest of the country was about as bad. It was quite the filthiest country I have ever visited and that does not refer to the ever present dust that one expects to find in a predominately desert country.  
Rubbish was everywhere, even built into the banks of some canals and pushed down the banks of the Nile.  The attitude to litter seemed to be, if you empty a packet of food or cigarettes in the car, just chuck the rubbish out the window.  If you have household rubbish in a bag, leave it in an empty allotment nearby, or sweep it down an embankment.  If you use a tissue on the street, just dump it in the gutter or on the pavement.  The people in the tourist areas were greedy, grasping pests, service was poor & the food was pretty ordinary too - not a patch on Thailand or Turkey (see my earlier articles). 

It was very obvious that graft was a way of life, with those at the top of the food chain getting the biggest slice of the action, so everyone was keen to fight their way up the ladder.  
Tourists were at the very bottom of the food chain and aggressively targeted.  
The star system of grading hotels & tourist boats reflected either a very low standard compared to the rest of the world, or that stars could be purchased, probably both.  We stayed in a 5 star hotel, which would probably rate 3.5 star elsewhere & only 2 for service.  The Nile cruise boat was graded 5 star and although it would again probably rate 3.5 star, I would grade it a bit more for the fact that the toilet was, thankfully, near the bed!  The 3 day cruise itself from Luxor to Aswan was OK, but nothing to write home about. 
The name of the game throughout was RIPOFF; eg at the Egyptian Museum which you paid to enter, you had to pay extra to get into the section containing the mummies of the kings.  A sign at the museum of Alexandria said it all: 'Foreigners LE35 , Foreign Students LE20, Egyptians LE2, Egyptian Students LE1'.  In other tours we have taken in India & Turkey, the tour guide doubled as the tour leader as well.  It was obvious that in Egypt the system was set up to ensure extraction of tips to the maximum number of people with a tour leader & then guides at every location visited.
General comments on the tour organised through a company I will not bother to name are:
- The Al Kalili market/bazaar was nowhere near as good as the one in Istanbul we had just visited, or that in Tehran that I visited in 1968 & we were constantly pestered, which put us off completely.  Egyptians just do not have the pleasant way of enticing tourists to part with their cash that the Thais have.
- The Citadel museum was a joke with most of the interesting bits closed off.

- The tour didn't cover the Step Pyramid & museum, which I did on my own later & which I found most interesting.  But avoid Memphis which is usually part of that option in a tour, where the only interesting thing was the great statue of Ramses II which was certainly not worth the LE35 entry fee (rip off).
- We did an overnight train trip from Cairo to Luxor (& returned the same way) on which we were advised dinner & breakfast would be served as part of the so called first class service.  Don't use the train!  If you must do it, make sure you take adequate food with you as that served on the train is inedible, (which our tour leader admitted when we caught him buying his own rations at a nearby stall!)
- The optional Nubian Dinner of the tour suddenly increased from the advertised LE40 because we had to pay the driver to take us from the out of the way hotel we were dumped in to the river, then the boat trip, then the tour of the village, then tips on top.  Also, we were too far out of the town to visit the Nubian museum without paying for a taxi. Another rip off!
- Because my partner was sick we visited the Gayer-Anderson museum in Cairo on our own after the tour, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the trip for us.  It contained some lovely items & was a time capsule of a bygone era in an old style house no longer existing in any areas we saw in Cairo, to that city's detriment.
- One of the things I look forward to on any trip to foreign destinations is experiencing the food of the country.  In Egypt the food was pretty awful, especially after Turkey.  The bread was generally stale, choice & flavour were poor.  One of the best meals we had was at the Nubian village with freshly baked bread & home cooked servings of vegetables and meat.
- Naturally, the tour leader did not refund us the cost of entry to places that were included in the price of the tour, but which we had missed because of sickness.
We were both sick on the trip, my partner quite badly, despite taking every precaution.  This was the first time either of us have been sick on any of our trips in Europe, India or the Far East and we were not alone - all our tour group were either sick or feeling off at one time or the other.
My advice to anyone contemplating a trip to Egypt to see the ancient monuments is to visit your local library, borrow a book & DVD & enjoy them in the comfort of your own home. 
If you must visit the country, make sure you allow plenty of extra cash for the ripoffs you will encounter, ensure you have plenty of medication with you for stomach upsets, and make sure your travel insurance has good accident and health cover!  
Also, research where you want to go thoroughly, plan the shortest & quickest route between points & be very careful what you eat, so you are in & out of the country in the shortest possible time.  That way you may avoid being pestered too much & getting too sick, (although I wouldn't bet on the last).

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Travel Destinations - Egypt

Egypt is a great place to visit when you go for holiday. The tourist areas are fantastic with a wide range of sites to visit. The most popular attractions are the following places to go:
The Giza pyramids, which are one of the world's oldest tourist attractions. In Giza, there are three main pyramids. There is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the pyramid of Kafhre and the smaller Pyramid of Menkuara. Each pyramid belongs to a pharoah/king of Egypt.
Millions of people visit Cairo, and they say it is beautiful, exotic and chaotic. Cairo's interesting part could be the Medieval (Islamic) Cairo. Medieval Cairo has loads of mosques and churches. They have some major mosques there, like the Mosque of Mohammad Ali and another mosque which is the oldest university in the world.

While visiting Egypt, you can also sail on boats which are called feluccas. With these, you might want to go cruising through Cairo and Alexandria or even take longer cruises.
Pharaohs were buried in Thebes, in the Valley Of The Kings. Here you will also find a tomb which belonged to Tutankhamen. The tomb was discovered in 1920. And if you want to visit this tomb, you can do so--but to see his treasure, you will have to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Now the weather! Well we all want our holidays to go as smoothly as possible, with great sites to visit and weather to be perfect. That is when we usually love our holidays. You can have the chance to visit Egypt when the weather is hot and suitable. This is available during October through May. The temperatures range from 25 to 35, Celsius. But December through February is when it can get cold and wet. Swimming at this time won't be a good idea, either.
Make sure you wear clothes that aren't heavy. It can very hot and sticky if you wear heavy clothes, which would make you feel very uncomfortable. Loose clothing should be worn. Also, maybe a pair of sandals, as the ground can be hot, which would sting your feet.
Do keep in mind that when I mean loose clothing, please do not wear shorts as they could attract unwanted attention to you. Egypt is a Muslim country and Islam forbids these types of clothing for both genders, so make sure you wear something suitable.
So here we have some information for you and your visit. I hope you found this article useful and do take the information on here carefully. There is quite a bit to remember but you should get the hang of it!

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tours to Egypt: 7 Shocking Facts You Must Know About Ancient Egypt

Egypt is one of those places which are smeared with myths, mythology, legendary tales and historic wealth. It is also one of those truly enigmatic countries whose many secrets still lie undiscovered and non-deciphered. When you go for an Egypt trip, you would come across landmarks which are not only unique in their designs but are also laced with apocryphal tales and amazing stories. It is always interesting to know a bit about the places you are visiting. And when these facts are fascinating as they truly are, then you wouldn't wish to end your holiday anytime soon.
Here are some mystifying and amazing facts about Egypt's ancient past:

i. In the ancient times, the country was quite hot (and it is still so)! But what stands out is the fact that in the past the children would not be clad. They would run about naked and were clothed only after reaching adolescence.
ii. During your Egypt trips, you would come across pyramids and tombs reminding you of the Pharaohs. One interesting thing about them was that they would always keep their heads covered with a special head gear. As per the custom, a Pharaoh was not to reveal his manes to his subjects!
iii. This third fact may come as a shocker to many, and many would even protest against this mode. But the king named Pepi II devised an atrocious way to keep away flies & mosquitoes. Several slaves were positioned all around him with their naked bodies covered with honey. This was done so that the flies would be attracted towards the honey and Pepi II would be able to sleep peacefully. Your tours to Egypt would open your eyes to many such shocking facts.
iv. Your Egypt trip would bring you before the mighty Sphinx at Giza! Now, if you notice carefully, you will observe that its nose has been dislocated. It is not certain as to what led to its dislocation! But it is believed that Napoleon was responsible for it.
v. In the ancient age, the Egyptian women were considered at par with men in matters related to law and economics. This is strange given that most Middle East countries during those times would treat women as inferior to men.
vi. Another grotesque fact coming your way this time! When the process of mummification was carried out, the dead person's organs would be taken out and preserved securely in a special jar. Even the brain was extracted out through the passage of nose! Interestingly, the heart was spared. There was a common belief that the heart was where the soul resided. So, the body would be mummified after removing all the organs save the heart.
vii. During your Egypt trips, you would have to apply sunscreen and other protective lotions. The ancient Egyptians did the same and were very fond of makeup. They, however, not just applied makeup for beauty or protection purpose, but they treated it as a form of medicine with healing powers.

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Places To Go In Egypt

The ancient historical sites in Egypt make the country one of the best travel destination in Africa. There are over 80 Pyramids found in this country, the Pyramids of Giza located on the left bank of the Nile in Cairo are the most ancient and an attractive tourist destination. The various pyramids found in this country were built to serve as tombs for the royal families. Among the three pyramids at the Giza necropolis is the Pyramid of Khufu also known as the Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Pyramid of Khufu is about 481 feet and is the largest and the oldest of all Pyramids. It is also the only one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world still remaining today.

Cairo is the capital city of Egypt and, it consists of both ancient and modern tourist attractions. Khan Al-Khalili market is a good example of the ancient attractions. This market is one of the largest and oldest markets in the world dating back about 3000 years ago. It is a huge market which attracts both the local and international tourists. Almost everything is sold here including food, clothes, ornaments, perfumes and curving. The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities is another ancient site where about 120,000 ancient items are displayed. The legendary treasures from Tutankhamen burial are the most popular exhibits.
The Valley of Kings is another tourist destination. This site is located on the West Bank of the River Nile in Thebes and it has 62 tombs. The Valley has two components namely the West Valley and the East Valley. The East Valley is where the New Kingdom of the Pharaohs is found and is the most attractive site for tourists. These tombs include the tomb of King Tut (the youngest King to have ever ruled in the ancient and the modern Egypt). These tombs contain many treasures and artistic decorations including the books of the underworld hence giving visitors better understanding of the lives of the ancient Pharaohs.
The two temples at Abu Simbel are very interesting to visit. One of the most interesting things about the Abu Simbel temples is that, they were all built to satisfy the ego of just one King. Construction of the Aswan High dam on river Nile was done in 1969.The dam helped contribute to the relocation and re-assembling of the temples to higher and safer ground. The Pharaonic Village is another ideal site for families to visit. A tour to this site will actually take you 3000 years back to the days of the pharaohs. It is a beautiful place where you will get entertained and learn more about the past.

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